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12月 6 2018




这是西弗吉尼亚的奇迹, 是欺骗山蝾螈等本地野生动物的家园, 飞鼠和木响尾蛇. 的 莫农加希拉国家森林 (MNF)——美国最具生物多样性的国家森林之一.S. – also happens to be along the pathway of the WB XPress (WBX) natural gas pipeline, 是上个月投入使用的吗.

Work on the WBX included upgrading and enhancing an existing TransCanada pipeline system that has been 安全 serving customers for over 60 years.

“When we started working on the project and learned WBX would be going through the National Forest, we knew our job would only be a success if we completed the project responsibly,詹妮弗·坎农说。, TransCanada的环境规划和许可.

“无论是维护现有资产还是增加新的基础设施, we’re always committed to protecting the environment throughout the full life-cycle of our pipelines and facilities – truly living by our 环境指导原则.”

将近四年, 横加公司与多国部队的各种资源专家密切合作, 包括土壤科学家, 野生动物生物学家, 水文学家, 水生生物学家, 和植物学家一起规划, 项目的许可和施工阶段.

“的 TransCanada team really made an effort to work with us on the WB XPress project. 他们设定了高标准, and went out of their way to ensure that all forest resources were protected. 这个团队信守了他们的诺言, 跟进他们的承诺, 他们说要做什么就做什么. 的y also talked with us throughout the project and were very transparent about their actions. 的 company should be proud of the quality of work performed by this team.”



在一起, TransCanada employees and the National Forest team worked to preserve the forest and its inhabitants. This included transplanting 455 red spruce trees from the right of way – with a commitment to plant another 2,193 red spruce trees – that are home to the Cheat Mountain salamander and flying squirrel. 另外, the team worked to restore the pipeline right-of-way with special seed mixes of native vegetation to promote pollinator species and build gestation areas for local creatures such as the timber rattlesnake.

罗德尼•金布尔, WBX项目经理, 说是通过交流, careful planning and hard work that they could successfully build the pipeline while preserving the 完整性 of the forest and also build a relationship that left a positive lasting impression.

“每一个星期二, 我们从查尔斯顿开两个小时的车, 西维吉尼亚州, 对Elkins, 西维吉尼亚州, 坐下来和国家森林的团队见面,罗德尼说。. “的 first time we sat down with the representatives of the National Forest, we saw how committed they were to protecting the resources of the forest and working with us to make sure this project was completed in the most efficient and environmentally responsible way possible.”

的 WBX team plans to take the many lessons learned from the project and share them with other teams throughout the company. 罗德尼说, “作为一个土生土长的西弗吉尼亚人, 参与WBX这样的项目对我来说非常特别. Not only was I able to help support in the development and construction of this important energy infrastructure, but I was able to make sure we did so while protecting this ‘wild and wonderful’ state and its wildlife.”

